10 Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture

10 Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture

The popularity of acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing tradition. The benefits of acupuncture are proven by numerous scientific research results that now name it as one of the most viable and effective alternative methods to use for well-being and healing. Age-old Chinese wisdom views the physical body as a collection of energetic fields, which, if…


Muscle Channel Techniques

By Andrew Castellanos, L.Ac. I’ve been working with a new acupuncture technique that is extremely effective at healing both acute and chronic injuries.Treating athletes and active people has always been a focus in my practice, so I am particularly excited about Muscle Channel Technique (MCT) and have been having impressive results with my clients since…


Treating Stress with Emotional Release Acupuncture

By Andrew Castellanos, L.Ac. Emotional Release Treatment is a go-to acupuncture treatment method for me. Here’s why: It’s a fact of Western living that we all deal with stress on a pretty constant basis. Acupuncture is great for treating stress, and is one of the reasons why it has become such an effective and popular…

Metagenics supplements
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The Problem of Toxicity

  I have worked closely with Metagenics—the best high-quality nutritional supplement company in the industry, according to many alternative healthcare providers—for many years to provide my clients with the best advice when dispensing recommendations. The following is an excerpt from an article by Cynthia Zurolo, my contact at Metagenics and a highly informed source on…